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Promoter: Andrew Pietraszewski, (602)-363-5739



October 2025





Start Time

12:00 PM (event will run straight through with a 60 minute intermission after group comparisons and before individual presentations/awards). Competitors and trainers is tickets MUST go through the Stage Door entrance (Van Buren just east of 2nd Street) and sign in. You do not have to be at the venue until about 9:00-10:00am. Backstage passes can be purchased through this link under TICKETS.


Competitor Meeting

Competitor meeting will take place around 10:30am in the auditorium. Please make sure you are fully covered. It is not mandatory that you come to the meeting. 



Adult: $55.00

Minor Under 12: $20.00

Assistant (general admission plus backstage access): $80.00 (only applicable to those helping a competitor backstage). One assistant max per competitor is permitted.

Tickets can be bought here: ​


Backstage Policy

Only one assistant backstage for competitors. This helps keep the backstage from getting crowded. It can be a coach, family member, etc. You can purchase tickets through the online link provided under Tickets.

Entry Fees & Deadlines

Entry: $100.00

Additional division: $85.00 every additional division

Late Registration: Entry is $160.00 and every additional crossover is $110.00

OCB Pro Qualifiers in 2025

OCB pro cards are awarded in the Open, Masters Age 35+ (women), or Age 40+ (men) divisions when registration minimums are met.

In 2025, OCB Pro cards will be awarded based on the following minimums:

  • Open Men’s Physique, Men’s Classic Physique, Women’s Figure, Women's Wellness and Women’s Bikini: 5

  • Open Men’s Bodybuilding and Open Women’s Physique: 3

  • Masters Age 35+ women’s categories: 3

  • Masters Age 40+ men’s categories: 3


Competitors who win a pro-qualifying placement in a Masters Age 35+ (women) or Masters Age 40+ (men) divisions are eligible only for their Master Age pro divisions. Masters competitors who win pro-qualifying placements in an Open division are considered eligible for both OCB Pro Open and OCB Pro Masters contests.

Competitors who qualify as OCB pros for any category are considered eligible for all OCB pro categories of their sex. Competitors may not compete in more than one category at any given OCB pro show.


Division Offerings

Men’s Bodybuilding: Open


Men’s Physique: Debut, Novice, Open


Men's Classic Physique: Debut, Novice, Open


Bikini: Debut, Novice, Age 35+, Age 45+, Open 


Figure: Debut, Novice, Age 35+, Age 45+, Open


Wellness: Debut, Novice, Age 35+, Open 


Women's Physique: Open


DEBUT: First competition ever. Competitors cannot have ever competed in any category with any organization.


NOVICE: Cannot have placed first in any class besides Teen, within any division, within any category, with any organization or at any independent event, with the exception of cases where first place was won in a class where the competitor was the only one in the class.


OPEN: Open to everyone regardless of age and level of experience.


AGE: Age as of day of contest must fall within the stipulated age range (Ex: Age 50 & Over).



When more than one class in a division, classes are formed by dividing competitors evenly by height.


Crossover Entries

A crossover entry is entering more than one division within a category. For example, someone may enter the Novice division, if eligible, and also elect to crossover into the Open division and compete in it as well. Competitors may not participate in more than one category (Bikini, Figure, Physique, Bodybuilding, Classic Physique) at any given show.



Custom sidewinder medals are awarded to the top 5. Masters 35+ (female) and Masters 40+ (male) along with Open winners receive trophy cups Overall Winners (pro card) will win a large trophy cup, cowboy hat, wolfpak bag, and custom swag from our sponsors The Gym.



All competitors are required to be current members of OCB to participate in this event. If needing to obtain the annual membership please register before October. Memberships can be purchased on This is a natural (drug-free) competition. All competitors must meet eligibility criteria listed in the OCB drug testing guidelines in order to participate. Prior to registering competitors should review the procedures and list of banned substances posted on


Banned Substances Screening Methods

All competitors are required to be drug screened prior to competing. In addition, all pro qualifying placement winners are required to provide a urine specimen immediately after the conclusion of the event for urinalysis testing.



Remember, you are not alone on stage. Family, friends, other competitors, and hundreds of strangers are watching you. If you're disappointed with a placement, carry yourself as a professional during and after the awards presentations. After the show ask the judges for feedback. When speaking to them, you may discover their reasoning for your placement. You may understand their decisions more and get helpful insight for future competitions. Everyone in the show worked hard, so don't allow poor sportsmanship to ruin the event for others. Any competitors or coaches who exhibit what OCB deems as poor sportsmanship at the event or on social media are subject to disqualification and may be banned from future OCB events.


Coach Code of Conduct

  • Coaches are to refrain from using threatening or foul language while at OCB events.

  • Coaches are not permitted to sit in the row of seats located directly behind the judging table.

  • Coaches cannot approach the judging table at any point before or during prejudging.

  • Coaches and their clients may only approach the judging table to request feedback after placements have been announced and if time allows.

  • Coaches are responsible for reading and understanding OCB’s Guidelines before registering a client in an OCB show.

  • Coaches are not to poach or solicit the clients of other coaches while attending OCB events. The marketing of other organizations’ events is strictly prohibited.

  • Coaches who are caught doing this will be escorted out of the venue without a refund. Coaches are to model professionalism and sportsmanship.



Check-ins will take place in October from 12pm-5pm on the second floor (Adams Room), Hilton Garden Inn Phoenix Downtown, 15 East Monroe Street, Phoenix, Arizona, 85004. Please make sure you are registered with OCB and have your music sent to us by then. 

Drug & Substance Screening

By appointment in October at the host hotel on the second floor (Jefferson Room), Hilton Garden Inn Phoenix Downtown, 15 East Monroe Street, Phoenix, Arizona, 85004. This room is right next door to the tanning room. The fee is $60 and is payable at the time of your appointment. Screening appointment times will be sent by email two weeks before the show. Screening results are valid for other amateur OCB shows that are held within 3 weeks. View the upcoming schedule of events.


Music & Individual Routines/T-walks

Please email your music for your individual routine (classic, bodybuilding, women's physique) or T-walk (bikini, figure, men's physique). You will have 60 seconds. We will read your location, number, and name before you go out. Make sure it is a MP3 file. A link will not work. You can OPT OUT of doing your routine if you like. 


Host Hotel

Host hotel Hilton Garden Inn Phoenix Downtown (15 East Monroe Street, Phoenix, Arizona, 85004). Room rates are $209 a night. Cutoff date is 9/11/2024. Reservations can be made by calling (602)-343-0006


Competitor Prep Area

Light weights, bands and mirrors will be backstage for use in preparing to go on stage. Competitors are welcome to bring their own equipment and mirrors as well.


Stage Photography Services

Print out order forms CLICK HERE if you want photos


Professional Video Coverage

Do you want to see exactly what the judges see while you’re on stage? Do you want a great coaching tool? Do you want to see yourself in movement on stage? Do you want to capture the video memory of your very first time on stage or the 2nd, 3rd or 4th time…

We got you covered at Ape Video. You don’t have to watch 4hrs of video to view the classes you’re in, you receive clips of just the classes you’re in. What a great way to capture your competition day professionally.

Ape Video now offers custom video clips for competitors in your individual classes, your finals routine and any awards presentation that you're in. A great way to view yourself in movement on stage next to other competitors to see what the judges see. This is also a great coaching and learning tool. Click on the links below to view an example of competitors video clips. Pre-order $40, Post-order $60.

Example Clip 1
Example Clip 2

If interested in pre-ordering before the show, email us for an order form at Order forms will be available at check in


Spray Tanning Services

Klaire Long


(480)-707-3264 (call or text)


Norvell competition spray products

Tanning Cost: $160 per competitor (covers all tanning needs)


A portion of your tanning will be completed on Friday October 11th (2pm-8pm) and Saturday October 12th (11am-6pm) at the host hotel, second floor (Adams Room). Touch ups will be done at the venue as the show starts. Please do your best to get your tanning scheduled in a timely fashion. The vendors appreciate it! 


*NOTE* Tanning products have a tendency to stain and damage clothing, sheets, and other surfaces. To purchase protective attire that will prevent staining, visit


Hair & Make-Up Services

Chanel Molleo 

How to Book--


(480)-584-7452 (text)




Hair and make-up will be done at the host hotel




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